The 5 basics of survival are the backbone of the survival mindset. With the knowledge of these basic necessary skills, you can, and most likely will, survive any situation you find yourself in. Without them, you will probably panic and die within days, if not sooner.
Water- Next to air, water is the single most important thing you must have. Dehydration will kill you. Usually within a couple of days. This is FIRST on the survival list
You need 2-3 qts of water per day. Ideally keep 3 gallons of water in your trunk in an old cooler so it won’t freeze no water means no life. You may survive weeks without food only days without water
Water flushes toxins – the brain is 95% water lungs 90% water -blood is 80% water muscles as high as 70% water. Its your cooling system, joint lubricator, allows muscles to work if you get dehydrated you can become fuzzy confused weak
2% drop in our water supply can trigger signs of dehydration
Your BODY can’t work without water no water NO LIFE.
This article for informational purposes only. consult with a qualified doctor or nurse praticioner for professional advise. This article is not for medical advise.
This is for informational purposes only. The author is not a doctor. Seek medical professional advice should you have further special medical issues on survival, medication or special needs.
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